The Prada Replica Handbags is one of the house’s classics. In fact, we’ve featured it in our ultimate shopping guide to Prada Bags article.
But there is something exciting we need to share and it’s new. The Prada North South Double Bag, take a look at the shape. It’s love baby.
The Double Bag is crafted in a new shape; it’s taller and can carry much more essentials. But we’re happy because we’ve never seen such a style in Prada’s classic collection before. Meaning, more choices = more shopping fun.
This handbag is definitely crafted with the house’s iconic detailing unlike the seasonal bag with different prints. It’s designed in single colors and refined with the traditional triangle logo on the front. The luggage tag makes it extra chic. What a beauty!
Not only that, it looks very cute and it can be carried on the shoulder, crossbody or simply tote it from day to night thanks to the leather handles.
Oh yes, Replica Fendi Bags also made from saffiano leather. You know, one of the strongest in the world. This bag will last forever. Inside there is 1 main compartment with 1 center pocket with leather covered magnet closure.